Donations Coordinator v7
We are retiring support for our desktop application at the beginning of 2027. You may want to look at our cloud version MyGiving.Online instead.
Donations Co-ordinator complies with the latest HMRC Gift Aid and Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) regulations and manages all of your donations whether they are gift aided or not. If you have internet access then at the click of a button you can automatically claim online from Donations Co-ordinator direct to the HMRC Charities Online portal (our claiming procedure has been accredited by the HMRC). However if you prefer Donations Co-ordinator can complete and produce the claim spreadsheets required by the HMRC. Easily manage the Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) and claim these either online or via the relevant spreadsheet both available within Donations Co-ordinator. Our program will also easily manage one-off gifts, regular donations and standing order donations. Thank you letters, declaration forms, claim summaries, analysis reports, labels and many other reports are easily available from within the program including useful analysis tools to give an overall view of the giving within your organisation.
- Record an unlimited number of donors
- Record unlimited amounts of donations against a variety of different purposes/funds
- Record one-off donors and donations in one easy step
- Setup and record regular donations and standing orders quickly and easily
- Automatically produce the HMRC Charities Online claim for both Gift Aided and GASDS donations which have been approved by the HMRC
- A complete audit trail is maintained as required by the HMRC, including subtotals for each donor, amounts received and claimed between two dates, envelope summaries, totals received and claimed for each purpose/fund and much more
- Various checks, performed automatically throughout the process, ensure that only fully completed claims can be processed and sent to the HMRC
- Import donor and donation information from a variety of different sources including DBF and Excel
- All of the reports, labels and thank you letters can be exported to a variety of sources including Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, DBF and Open Office
- Enter donations in a variety of different ways, including singularly or in batches based on Name, Reference Number, Envelope Number or a variety of all three
- Data protection – delete donor and donation information when required in accordance with the Data Protection Act
- Produce Charts and Graphs at the click of a button
- Easily send and attach reports to emails
- Record and track sponsored events
- Import and synchronise records with our Membership Co-ordinator package
- Transfer donations into Finance Co-ordinator
- A built in tax calculator enables you to let donors know exactly how your organisation will benefit from their donation
- Automatically produce declaration forms that your donors simply need to sign
- The report finder makes finding reports of the information you require easy – simply use a selection of checkboxes to set the criteria and Donations Co-ordinator will display the appropriate reports
- Audit reports for HMRC visits
- Automatically produce donation receipts, which have been designed to fit DL envelopes to make posting easier
- A palette of seven pastel colours makes screens and tabbed pages easy to navigate – you can even customise the colours to suit your personal preferences
- By stretching or reducing the size of windows you can increase or reduce the font size
- Thank you letters inform your donors about how much their donation(s) mean to you – they can be produced for all donors who have given during a specific period, for just those who have given to a particular purpose or just those who have donated in a particular way
- Send emails to individuals or groups of donors
- Maintain a complete record of all correspondence with a donor easily – store details of documents, letters, scans, PowerPoint presentations etc. against relevant donor’s records and view them easily
- Create and manage contact history – Keep track of contacts you’ve had with your donors whether it’s via telephone, email, letter, or monthly newsletter etc.
- Personal statements can be easily sent to donors who require this information for their tax returns.